About Asbestos

What is Asbestos? Asbestos is a type of mineral in the form of fibers. They are naturally occurring substances that are resistant to fire. Asbestos was once used in homes because of its flame-retardant properties. It was used inside heating systems, above false ceilings, and among pipes or wires that are difficult to access. Sometimes asbestos is found as a compound within another object, and it used to get into homes by people spraying flame-retardant that contained asbestos onto different surfaces. Read More 

Hosting a Neighborhood Block Party? 3 Sanitation Concerns to Address

Planning a neighborhood block party is a great way for the community to come together and have fun. If you are planning this type of event for your neighborhood, there are some sanitation concerns you'll want to address to ensure the party goes smoothly. Use this guide to help plan your event, and be prepared for all of your guests' needs on the day of the party. Rent a Dumpster Read More